• 32-bit high-speed processor
• Supports TCP/IP commuication EHome 5.0, and ISAPI protocol. The communication data is specially encrypted to relieve
the concern of privacy leak
• User-centered design. Supports adding various user types: normal user, visitor, and user in blacklist
• Supports recognition and storage of card No. with maximum length of 20
• Supports up to 100,000 cards (including 97,000 non visitor cards and 3,000 visitor cards) and 300,000 card presenting
• Supports multi-door interlock function, anti-passback function, multiple authentications function open door with first
card function super card and super password function M1 card encryption online upgrade function and remote control
of the doors
• Supports tampering alarm for the card reader, alarm for door not secured, force opening door alarm, alarm for door
opening timeout duress card and code alarm, blacklist alarm and alarm for illegal card swiping attempts reaching the limit
• Short circuit attempts alarm and open circuit attempts alarm
• IP address conflict detection
• Cross-controller anti-passback function (For cross-controller anti-passback based on card, wire the card reader with
RS-485. For cross-controller anti-passback based on network, make sure the server and device communicate with each
other properly. Up to 5000 users’ records can be stored in the selected server.) and inner-device anti-passback function.

Additional information

Weight 4.80 kg